Yes I haven't posted in a longgggg timmmeee.... golly I really do not know why... the only thing that I know is that I'm in love with the book A TALE OF TWO CITIES... well I'm stuck in the past... SO guess what? I found this photographer who has a reoccurring theme in his pictures... well its almost as if they have a 1950 feel... At the current moment since I'm stuck in the past... HES MY FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHER... DEAL WITH IT!!!! I made my first shirt by sewing but ill post it up later... indulge
btw his name is
SIMON GENTRY... I HAVE NO RIGHTS TO THIS IMAGE... I mean images... its all his work....

WELL this one has nothing to do with the 1950's but it just seemed interesting...


Relaxing.... ahhhhh

Modern version of 1950's.... theres color.... deal with it
i keep on saying the phrase deal with it... you dont have to if you dont want too... tehehehe