Monday, March 11, 2013

Farrah I think.

psychedelic oils

                           YEPPERS, I call this piece psychedelic 70's. I think you know why. Check out Harry Holland, god he's so funny.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fashion Killa

                  This song has been in my head the whole day. THEN I HEARD IT ON THE RADIO.
I worked out twice today. Woah. Getting fit fo life.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

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               These pictures were taken a year ago in January. I accidentally stumbled upon them in my archive, last year was great. Life was great.


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                               You can call this the search for the perfect leather jacket. More or less a jacket with structure and some hidden unique components. None of these pictures belong to me. Most of them were found off of tumblr and some of these pieces are Rick Owens and Dries Van Noten. These are the things so far that I find to be inspirational, I'm currently into monochromatic colors and faux leather. Please don't kill the animals :/.

Friday, March 1, 2013



                                           It was a mellow friday. Heidi came over , we painted, and I showed her how to make bread. 'Twas fun until Heidi left. I only have an under painting done though and I need to add some more details. We were both going for a sort of Monet look. And please don't mind Heidi's awkward leg/pose. I call it the primitive painting pose.