I went on fashionweekdaily.com to find that they posted something about shoes. Is there some sort of shoe virus going on because I'm certain I have never heard of it. Well I feel as if I am showing a slight infection of the disease. So these shoes are amazing. They are like 3D. wait you need 3D sunglasses to see these. teheheheehe. They are by
Pauline Van Dongen. Oh god did this woman create the world's first 3D shoes!!! AMAZING!!! she deserves a recomendation . She designed them for her master’s thesis at ArtEZ in Arnhem, Netherlands, Van Dondgen's shoe line Metamorphosis
. The pieces were recently displayed in “The Future of Fashion” show in Amsterdam. The heels are made of powdered nylon that has been slowly fused together by a computer guided laser. Talk about future.

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